Call Our 24 Hour Hotline: 1-844-842-3678


Georgia Cares is an independent, non-profit organization working to serve child sex trafficking victims across the state of Georgia.  Georgia Cares is the single, statewide coordinating agency connecting services and treatment care for victims.  Through research informed practices and evidence based assessments, the organization coordinates services to meet all needs and dimensions of a child’s wellbeing.  Staff follow a victim throughout their process of treatment and recovery to lead healthy, successful lives as productive members of society.

Here are our core services:

  • Maintain a 24-hour hotline for victim service and response
  • Ensure placement in emergency beds and access to forensic interviews
  • Employ licensed social workers who conduct assessments to determine if a child is exploited or at-risk
  • In collaboration with Department of Family and Children Services, Department of Juvenile Justice, and the child’s family, we determine the best placement for a child
  • Ensure that costs for recovery and treatment are provided for each child
  • Provide continual care coordination, follow-up, and evaluation to ensure each child and their family recovers and thrives
  • Train communities and professionals on warning signs and resources

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About Georgia Cares

Georgia Cares is a non- profit 501(c)(3) entity. We are the state coordinating agency connecting services and supports for child victims of sex trafficking and exploitation. We strive to bring hope, build resilience, and give every child the opportunity to thrive.


Contact Us

P.O. Box 724197
Atlanta, Georgia 31139

24-Hour Hotline

404-602-0068 Admin
404-371-1030 Fax
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